Unwind trade 翻譯
unwind的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. If you unwind something that is wrapped around an object, you unfasten it, and if it unwinds, it…。了解更多。 trade翻譯:買賣, 貿易;交易;買賣, 生意, 商業, 行業, (尤指需要特殊技術和手工勞動的)職業,行當, 買賣, (尤指國與國之間)從事(…)貿易,進行(…)交易, (在證券交易所)買賣,交易, 交換…。 The dollar tumbled against the yen in heavy volumes as traders, scrambling to unwind their positions, judged the japanese government would now tolerate a stronger currency 美元對日元放量重挫,交易員爭相平倉,他們判定日本政府目前會容忍日幣走強。