Futures trading month letters

Contract delivery month codes for listed Futures and Options. The letters in the tables below indicate the delivery month and are part of listed futures' and options' instrument codes. Below you can find the symbols associated with each month of expiry for future contracts. While the letters might seem erratically dispersed, this is most likely because the preceding letters already have associations in trading contexts ( A= Ask, B= Bid, C= Corn, E=Eggs, O= Oats, S= Soybeans, W= Wheat etc.).

The complete ticker symbol for a futures contract will describe the commodity as a two character code, the delivery month as a single letter and the year as a two digit number. CCZ18, for instance, Every commodity futures contract has a delivery month and these months can be traded forward for years. Because we are trading a commodity futures contract and not the actual physical commodity, the futures contracts will eventually expire and the commodity must be delivered. Contract delivery month codes for listed Futures and Options. The letters in the tables below indicate the delivery month and are part of listed futures' and options' instrument codes. Below you can find the symbols associated with each month of expiry for future contracts. While the letters might seem erratically dispersed, this is most likely because the preceding letters already have associations in trading contexts ( A= Ask, B= Bid, C= Corn, E=Eggs, O= Oats, S= Soybeans, W= Wheat etc.). The only difference is that a letter is added to the end of the futures ticker symbols to show in which month the futures contract expires. H indicates March expiration, M is June, U is September, and Z is December.

For financial contracts traded on non-US futures exchanges, the expiration schedule may not be quarterly. This table lists the conventional letter codes used in 

10 Aug 2017 In the world of trading futures there are many different letters and symbols that correspond to different futures contracts, months of expiry, and  6 Jan 2020 The exchange on which the futures contract is traded also Delivery months are represented by a single, specific letter in the contract. Delivery  Why is that? Why couldn't they use something more traditional like Jan , Feb , etc. Or if they needed single letter months why not use  The letters in the tables below indicate the delivery month and are part of listed futures' and options' instrument codes. Futures. Delivery month. Letter. January, F .

Note the contract (month) you are trading and look for the LTD, which stands for "last trade date" and is the expiration date Expiry dates for futures products traded on other exchanges can be found in a similar fashion on the appropriate exchange's website. In addition, some trading platforms also indicate when a futures contract expires.

Why are some letters skipped in the Futures month codes? By Chad Langager on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 The ticker symbols assigned to Futures contracts are broken down into the underlying contract, the month of expiry, and the year of expiry. As an example Silver Futures trade five contracts per year (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec). Using the month codes, the symbol for March is “H” (“K” for May, “N” or July, “U” for September, and “Z” for December). To define the specific symbol, combine the commodity symbol (SI) with the month code (H) for “SIH”. Professional and new futures traders can research their futures and spread trades for less than $32 per month! Historical research and seasonal analysis alerts futures and option traders of potential trading strategies based on quantified historical fact. Trading Tools. Strategy Planning Tools; Calculators; Cboe Silexx; Trading Resources. Symbol Directory; Contract Adjustments; New Listings & Series; Cboe Expiration & Holiday Calendars; CFE Expiration & Holiday Calendars; CFE Brokers; Cycles & Month Codes; Cboe System Status; Fee Schedules; Option Class Delistings; Contract Specs and Trading Futures contracts start to trade on Thursday that is one week prior to the actual expiry of the future. Therefore, this is important to note because this is the day that most traders stop trading the front month and start trading the next contract which will become the front month in a week and a day. The complete ticker symbol for a futures contract will describe the commodity as a two character code, the delivery month as a single letter and the year as a two digit number. CCZ18, for instance, Every commodity futures contract has a delivery month and these months can be traded forward for years. Because we are trading a commodity futures contract and not the actual physical commodity, the futures contracts will eventually expire and the commodity must be delivered.

6 Jan 2020 The exchange on which the futures contract is traded also Delivery months are represented by a single, specific letter in the contract. Delivery 

Every commodity futures contract has a delivery month and these months can be traded forward for years. Because we are trading a commodity futures contract and not the actual physical commodity, the futures contracts will eventually expire and the commodity must be delivered. Contract delivery month codes for listed Futures and Options. The letters in the tables below indicate the delivery month and are part of listed futures' and options' instrument codes. Below you can find the symbols associated with each month of expiry for future contracts. While the letters might seem erratically dispersed, this is most likely because the preceding letters already have associations in trading contexts ( A= Ask, B= Bid, C= Corn, E=Eggs, O= Oats, S= Soybeans, W= Wheat etc.). The only difference is that a letter is added to the end of the futures ticker symbols to show in which month the futures contract expires. H indicates March expiration, M is June, U is September, and Z is December. We trade futures and options on futures Months & Symbols Commodity quotes have three parts: the 1 or 2 character Contract symbol, the one character Month symbol, and the last digit of the year in which the contract expires. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (ODD). Copies of the ODD are available from your broker or from The Options Clearing Corporation, 125 S. Franklin Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60606. The futures and commodities market has employed a standardized method of abbreviating contract and their expiration date.  The first two letters of a ticker symbol represent the underlying contract (ie. "CL" for Crude Oil). The next letter in the ticker represents the month that the contract expires (ie.

Future Symbol & Month Codes. How To Get A Future Symbol For A Chart. You can use the chart of the underlying futures contract in order 

SET50 Index Futures received a No-Action Letterfrom Commodity Futures Index Futures contracts on one side of the market in any contract months of SET50  In addition to the base symbol, the ticker symbol for a NYMEX futures contract contains a letter indicating the month and two digits indicating the year. The letters 

11 Apr 2019 Take a look at the expiration months below along with their corresponding letters. Month, Letter. March, H. June, M. September, U. December