Like all businesses, says Sean, fitness businesses go through several predictable developmental stages. If you know the stage that your business is at, you can make smart decisions now, and plan more intelligently for the future. Phase 1: Just starting out. Phase 2: Want to work for yourself. Phase 3: Ready to open and grow a business. Therefore, it makes sense to create a scaled-down fitness program. This gets your employees moving regardless of their age, weight or ability. Try a smaller challenge like the mile-a-day challenge. Every employee that can walk, jog, run, or bike (including a stationary one) a mile a day and document that they did it. Don’t just stop with the name of your business. Name and sexify your fitness programs too. Like the 14 Day Fat Furnace or 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss. Make it specific and sexy. Always sexy. Web Presence. Get your business online now, if it’s not already. Start your Facebook Fan Page, Twitter account, Google Place page, any and everything you can think of.